Megan “Pixie” Gwynn

Continuing with our X-men section, this week we will discuss Megan Gwynn, also known as Pixie.

Pixie by Gluengo

Pixie is a young, cheerful Welsh girl, who began as a member of Paragons, an X-men training squad. She is the daughter of Mastermind.

  • Pixie has two half sisters: Lady Mastermind and Mastermind II.
  • While alongside the X-men in battle, Pixie was pulled into limbo, while battling her way through limbo Pixie lost a piece of her soul while crafting weapons.
    • Pixie had such an innocent soul that she was one of the most powerful assets while fighting in limbo.
    • Pixie’s innocent soul was the only reason she was capable of crafting such powerful weapons, she attempted to craft a soulsword but was interrupted and instead crafted a soulgem and a souldagger.
      • She carried the souldagger for a long while, until she was reunited with all of the pieces of her soul.
        • While Pixie was without a portion of her soul she would have moments where her personality would be overtaken by a darker persona, thought to be a part of Magick from limbo.

          Pixie by Adam Hughes
  • Pixie has always seen her mutant abilities as a gift.
    • Pixie’s wings give her the ability to fly!
    • She can also use a “Pixie Dust” power that has hallucinogenic properties.
      • Pixie has even used her dust to enhance the crowd’s attitude at one of Dazzler’s shows.
      • Wolverine experiences her dust once in a battle, it caused him to believe he was fighting unicorns!
    • While she can harness magic, she was never trained in the art, she has learned how to teleport!
      • Pixie’s teleportation skills have been quite an asset to the X-men, although without the proper time to concentrate she has made a few errors.
        • Pixie once lost her concentration in a battle while trying to teleport the team and wound up spreading the X-men across the country side!

Katherine Anne “Kitty” Pryde

This week we will be continuing with our X-men segment moving on to Katherine Anne “Kitty” Pryde, also known as Kitty, Cat, Ariel, Kitten, Shadowcat and Spryte.

Kitty Pryde by MZ09

Kitty Pryde was just your regular overachieving Jewish 13 1/2 year old, or so it seemed until she begun getting some very painful headaches. What Kitty did not know was that she was gaining her mutant powers! One evening she fell asleep and when she awoke Kitty found herself on the living room floor, she had fallen right through the floor, and that is how she learned that she could walk though walls. Here are a few more key facts about Ms. Pryde:

  • Kitty was first contacted by the White Witch, Emma Frost, to join the Hellfire Club
    • After the visit from Emma, Kitty went home, and head n awful headache, this was when she first discovered her ability to phase through solid objects.
    • Not long after Kitty’s first meeting with Emma Frost she was greeted by a different group of mutants, it was Charles Xavier and his X-Men.
      • After Meeting the X-men, kitty grew to have a strong relationship with Storm, which was the main factor that brought Kitty to oncoming a member of their team.
        • It was not easy to persuade Kitty’s parents that joining the X-men would be a safe decision, but with a little help from Phoenix’s telepathic powers that issue was quickly altered.
  • After Kitty joined the X-men the professor created an obstacle course especially for her, she completed it within a matter of moments without any difficulty.
  • On a mission in space, Kitty even acquired a constant dragon companion named Lockheed!
  • Kitty was also recruited to be an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D
Kitty Pryde by AaronPage

Kitty Pryde has been included in X-men: The Last Stand, X-men: Days of Future’s Past, and many episodes of the X-men Cartoon from the 1990’s.

Kitty Pryde by SaraAfena

Basically, your body will go to sleep while your mind travels back in time. As long as you’re back there, past and present will continue to coexist. But once you wake up, whatever you’ve done will take hold and become history. And for the rest of us it’ll be the only history that we know. It’ll be like the last fifty years never happened, in this world, in this war. The only person who will remember it is you. All right, Logan, I need to you clear head and to stay as calm as possible. “ – Kitty Pryde, X-men: Days of Future’s Past

Jean Grey

This week we will be moving on to some of the Marvelous women of the X-Men, we will work up to a character I will be dressing as for Halloween this year! To begin with we will start with Marvel Girl, also known as Jean Grey or Phoenix.

Phoenix by MeganLara

Jean Grey was a founding member of the X-Men. Jean was the daughter of John and Elaine Grey, when she was ten years old her mutant powers surfaced and her parents took her to Professor Charles Xavier to be treated/taught to harness her abilities. During her treatment the Professor had her assist him in creating Cerebro, Jean’s Pheonix force powers began to surface although they were previously dormant. Knowing that Jean was not experienced enough to control her powers, the Professor blocked off areas of her mind to keep her from using her full power.

Lil Bit as Marvel Girl

As Jean matured Professor Xavier eventually unblocked Jean’s powers and she was free to harness her full abilities. She has died many times, but thanks to her Phoenix abilities she always finds a way to live on. Jean has even been cloned once, and she had to defeat herself! Jean has lived(and died) through many things, here are a few key things about Jean:

  • Jean Grey was portrayed in the X-men series of movies by Famke Janssen
  • Jean was dying from radiation poisoning once but as rescued by Phoenix Force, they cloned her body, memories and all, they even attempted to put some of her spirit into the clone, as the real Jean Grey was healing in a cocoon at the lowest point of Jamaica Bay.
    • The Phoenix clone believed that she was the original Jean Grey, and reacted as such.
    • The clone was manipulated by Mastermind, causing the real Jean Grey’s consciousness to surface in the clone and became the Dark Phoenix before committing suicide.
      • While the Dark part of her soul traveled to the afterlife, Jean learned about the Phoenix force and resurfaces wearing a white version of her Phoenix costume.
  • Jean later married Cyclops, but he becomes possessed by Apocolypse, which created a wedge between the couple. Not long after Cyclops was pushed into the arms of Emma Frost.

    • Later, Jean requests Cyclops to stay with Emma Frost at the school and protect Professor Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.
  • Wolverine was forced to kill Jean once.
    • A mutant masquerading as Magneto named Xorn killed her once, and she was reborn and rose from a phoenix egg!
The Evolution of Jean Grey by PaulRenaud

If you would like to learn more about Jean Grey:
Marvel:Jean Grey

Selina Kyle

Continuing with our Batman Love interest series, this week we will be discussing one of my favorite femme-fatales from Gotham… Catwoman also known as Selina Kyle.

Selina Kyle was orphaned as a young girl, her mother committed suicide, and soon after her father drank himself to death, leaving her and her sister orphaned and left to fend for themselves. Selina began committing acts of petty thievery to survive and later grew to a life of larceny as a talented burglar calling herself Catwoman. Here are a few facts about her character:

  • Selina Kyle was given her own self-titled comic series in 1989.
  • Catwoman is one of two woman in the DC Universe who know Batman’s true identity.
  • Catwoman was created by Bob Kane, she was originally made as a “female Batman,” Kane was hoping to gain both a female audience for his new character and an audience of men from her sexuality.
    • “I felt that women were feline creatures and men were more like dogs. While dogs are faithful and friendly, cats are cool, detached, and unreliable. I felt much warmer with dogs around me—cats are as hard to understand as women are. Men feel more sure of themselves with a male friend than a woman. You always need to keep women at arm’s length. We don’t want anyone taking over our souls, and women have a habit of doing that. So there’s a love-resentment thing with women. I guess women will feel that I’m being chauvinistic to speak this way, but I do feel that I’ve had better relationships with male friends than women. With women, once the romance is over, somehow they never remain my friends.” – Bob Kane
  • Catwoman has been a very publicized villain/sometimes hero in the DC Universe, she has appeared in:
    • In Batman Returns Catwoman was portrayed by Michelle Pfieffer.
    • Her own feature movie Catwoman with Hallie Barry as Selina.
    • She also had a large role in The Dark Knight Rises in which she is played by Anne Hathaway.
    • Catwoman has also had a very successful television career, originating in the Batman series played by Julie Newmar and Eartha Kitt
    • Most recently she is a key character on the TV show Gotham, portrayed by Camren Bicondova.
by Ian Corrao

My world is all just shades of grey, Batman. That’s why you’ll never really understand me.” – Selina Kyle to Batman

Batman and Catwoman have a very complex relationship, often times Batman cannot bring himself to address his feelings for Selina, they are both orphans who have tried their best to survive in the real world even though they have suffered great loss. Selina is a no nonsense kind of woman, she protects the weak when it suits her and steals from the rich for her own gain. She is the very example of a Chaotic-Good personality type, she loves to watch things blow up but will never let those she cares about fall. She always puts others before herself, she even fought to protect her sisters life once, when Selina tells you she will be there to help you out she will lay her life on the line for you, and that is something I admire greatly about her character. The strength to throw yourself into a situation no matter the odds, she is a hero in my book.